A lesson for our daughters
Let’s teach our daughters.
Let’s teach our daughters that we are more than our appearance.
Let’s teach our daughters to move their bodies because a healthy active body feels wonderful.
Let’s teach our daughters to walk in the world confidently even with a blemish on their face. They are not different the day they have one vs the day they don’t.
Let’s teach our daughters we swim in the ocean because the beauty calls us in, not because of how we look positioned accurately in a swimsuit.
Let’s teach them that their body is beautiful because of the intricate way it functions & the life that runs through it.
That a pretty face is luck of the draw, that beauty, real beauty, exudes from a warm smile, an open heart and eyes that shine with a self assured confidence in who they are.
Let’s teach our Daughters that their worth is not defined by a number on the scales or on an item of clothing.
Let’s teach them to see beauty in all the women around them. When you look for Beauty, it grows.
Let’s teach them better than we have been taught.
A generation, fooled to think that beauty is a set size, a face that doesn’t move and that our worthiness is determind by it.
How do we do this?
By teaching ourselves the same thing.